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Agent Details

Jeremy 'Ox' Glenn


: 231-398-3800
: 812-929-9289


360 E. Parkdale Ave
Manistee, MI 49660


Hey there, I'm "Ox" - your friendly neighborhood real estate agent!

When I'm not out helping people find their dream homes, you can find me indulging in my other passion - professional wrestling. In fact, I was an independent pro wrestler for a while, myself! I also love spending time with my family, watching football, superhero movies, and playing video games with my kids.

In today's competitive housing market, you need someone every step of the way to help you make the right decisions. And that's where I come in - I'm dedicated, hardworking, and here to help you feel comfortable and heard throughout the entire buying or selling process. My top priority is to ensure that you have the best possible real estate experience from beginning to end. Because when the dust settles, I want you to walk away from that closing table feeling like a champion!

So, if you're looking for a trustworthy and friendly real estate agent, don't hesitate to tag me in!

Put a Headlock on Housing with "Ox" in your corner!

- Jeremy "Ox" Glenn



